The stone ax on the small island
Clues of foreign culture from far away planets
in rocks from the early days of the earth?

The blue arrow indicates how the reindeers
came to the steep rock. The red is the area
with paintings. The lilac might have grottos.
The blue dot is the hunting hole. The green
dot has a construction of stones. The green
fence might have been made from branches.
In 2008 I found this stone ax. The place is totally outside the area where items should be found according to traditional archeology. It should have been far under the surface
of the sea. However 13 000 years ago the oceans were 100 meter lover than today as much water was fixed within ice. When the ice melted the ocean surfaces rose to near
today´s level. Within the Baltic Sea the water level was regulated by the depth of the water in the Straights of Denmark. So when the inland ice decreased so the Baltic became free of ice there still remained a lot of water closed in. When some opening appeared within the straights of Denmark or through the lakes of Sweden the water level sank as much as the openings allowed. There is strict evidence how the water flushed through Sweden.
The question is now: When water started to flush throug the Straits of Denmark - which was the ocean water level and how deep did the Baltic sea water went down.
At first it might have gone so much down that my findings are realistic. Then the Baltic water rose up as ocean waters rose. And finally the land in Scandinavia raises slowly up, making new land and a shallower Baltic sea.

This year I returned and found a lot of evidence of a very primitive culture.
See texts on figure. In the diagram can be seen that the site can have been
populated 10500 years ago. The L1 period.
A=Water level in the Baltic Sea
B=Land level
C=Water level in the oceans
L1: When the Baltic Sea could be emptied
      through the Danish Straits, its level
      sank to the level of the oceans at that
      The island with the axe was land for
      some time until ocean water level
      rouse and covered land again.
L2: At present the land from L1 is dry

Enclosure to capture reindeers?
The ax. The bill is sharpened  with
two exact blows. There are two pockets made for the handle. Still very primitive but fully functional.
A scraper and knife.
The sacrifice altar.
Stones assembled by man
around some pole or ...
Stones in a straight row.
This might be just two different kind
of rock. But one day such forms might
be found that are fossils.
My son claims that the L1-area was only 7000 years ago.
Here the same thing as a serie of pictures.
Or 7000 years ago.
Archeologs in Turku claim
that ice bergs would have
destroyed all forms.
In this photo from
Greenalnd flowers and
grass gropws near the
water. Icebergs are not
near the shore.
The Polar Star
icon in Luoma.
The Polar Star
icon in Alta.
A place with a possible caive.
Here are the Polar Star icon
and the Holy Elks.
In same legend the big hunter will one day kill the holy elk.
With his big bow. And then humanity will die in flames.
The bow ( jousi ) can be seen with the arrov straight in the
heart ogf the holy elk. These are scrached into the rock and
photoed by me in darkness with a torch from the side.
west from Hanko,
Foundation on an island near by, only one meter abowe water level. And local people have no information of such
a house. So it is not modern.
In the Tass-forest I have
found a prehistoric castle.
It is one kilometer from
the paintings.
The model is
typically Scandinavian.