Mårten Bondestam´s old kites
The Cervia movie
Silvertrousers´ movie
You can order them all from
Better Kites
Lennä, lennä leijani
Kite Art in Cervia
Drakkonst i Cervia
Beginners´ Kites
Later kites
Later kites
Many kite drawings with advice about how to make them. In groups according to the main feature of the kite. Good advice about how to fly a kite as well as how
to take a kite down from a tree. Ask for the book at

The name Better Kites refers to the aim to make standard
kites simpler - to reduce the amount of spars and make it
easily flying.
Observe that most of the kites are from thin plastic. Kites
from heavy plastic will not fly.
Kirjassa on myös suomenkieliset ohjeet.
My old kite book. Only 10 copies for sale.
Written in the days when there were no computers.
All drawings are by hand and with pen.

The new kite book that people like. Tells about artistic kites
on the kite festivals in Cervia, Italy. The book is very beautiful
and looks fine on the coffe table.
Denna underbara bok har nu utkommit på svenska.
Innehållet är detsamma
som i den engelska

Kites for experienced kitebuilders
The bagkites, the cones, the special conynedelta, the tubular thaisnake with lamps
Later kites
Not before published kites 1
Not before published kites 2